This past Saturday, the 18th, my sis & I took part in a really cool thing. Scott Kelby held a 2nd Annnual Worldwide Photowalk in which over 30,000 people participated and I believe held in over 900 cities world wide.
We chose 1 of the 4 San Diego locations. Liberty Station, NTC.
A short history on the base. Did not find much, but know there is so much to this historic area. Mom recalls going to the exchange and the commissary there while dad was stationed in SD at MCRD next door.
With our family's history in the military, we jumped at the chance to learn more.
We met great people along the way. So here are some of the shots of the 2 hour walk. You had to really look for shots, but it was well worth it.
I was trying out my aperature settings, then converted to b&w
This anchor chain is from the ship below.
USS Recruit, the only commissioned ship that was never in the water.
Magnolia Leaves We were across from the SD Airport and I kept trying to get a "great picture" of a plane taking off, but this is about it....
Holy Cow!Trying out different angles and playing around
Looking at some of the new through the old
Pavers by supporters of the base renovation
Base Commander's Office
Reviewing the days shots, while being shot
Where I sat while waiting for the illusive plane take off, supposed to be every 90 seconds? Don't think so
The final hour and our shadows on the wall
What a great day!