
Thursday, September 15, 2011

iMadonnari in San Luis Obispo

As Sunday afternoon rolled around, I took off for a stroll and ended up at the Mission Plaza in town.  I remembered that they were showcasing iMadonnari this weekend.  We had a thunderstorm roll through early Sunday morning and I am sure it razed havoc with many artist.  So with camera in hand, stroll with me through the plaza.

Mission San Luis Obispo 1772

Look Below, what do you see?
The Original Library

The Magic of Art

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

We Will Never Forget

This day is coming to an end.  I intended on posting this morning.  But it has been a moody,  somber day of remembrance to match the weather.  I have been hearing stories, recounting of that day 10 years ago.  The unraveling of the imagery that I was watching on TV while our son got ready for school.  I could not fathom what was happening, even though I was watching it live on the west coast.
I was heartsick, devastated by the unfolding of the day.  I will never forget, never.

My heart still goes to those that were affected firsthand, the gratitude to the first responders and those that risked their own lives and those gave it all to save those they could, and those that had no choice in the matter.

The following pictures were captured when we went to NY one year later.  There are no words, just never forget.

taken by Angela Andrieux, our daughter

the Pentagon

Wednesday, September 07, 2011


What wonders there are in your own yard.  As I stooped to catch the intricate beauty of a dandelion I was mesmerized by what I saw.  Some see the wonder and some see the weed.

 "I was a dandelion puff...Some saw the beauty in me and stooped quietly to admire my innocence. Others saw the potential of what I could do for them, so they uprooted me, seeking to shape me around their needs. They blew at my head, scattering my hair from the roots, changing me to suit them. Yet still others saw me as something that was unworthy and needed to be erased."
Nicole Bailey-Williams