Our latest project. After replacing our septic system in the backyard, we had the whole backyard scraped and now we are totally dirt. We are in the process of putting in pavers for a sidewalk across the back of the house. And then from the patio to the shop.
We were working on it a couple of days ago when it was in the 90's!!

Terry doing the prep in tamping in the sand for me to lay down the pavers. Actually, I really like it, but they get really heavy after 2 tractor bucket loads!

Here are a few pictures from our last trip to Laguna Seca and the last AMA National race. We always take a couple of days to ride around. And we had a couple of tips for new places to explore.
This one is Phil's Fish Market. It is at the marina in Moss Landing. If you know where "The Wole Enchilada" is located, turn just north of the restaurant and head back to the water. Just a great find and great Fish and Chips. We plan to return.

And of course, a quick stop at Starbucks for a soy latte, it was a warm day and we were headed out to the West Pinnacles. (sp)
We had the pleasure of meeting with Chris Ulrich and Brian from Road Racing World. Chris was racing, and funny thing is, he failed to mention his last name until we hunted him down in the pits. Nice guys, and we love meeting new friends.
Gotta run, as usual, have to get to work, but want to wash my car, it is filthy!!
Hope yours days are well.